Community Service
The Bahá’í Faith emphasizes unity among all people, regardless of race, gender, or nationality. We must reflect this unity within our own communities and set an example for the world. If we show love and support within our community, it will grow and have a larger positive impact. Even helping one community member helps support the entire community. As ‘Abdu’l-Bahá said, “This is worship: to serve mankind and to minister to the needs of the people. Service is prayer.” Therefore, serving your community is a form of worship. Here are some ways you can support your Bahá’í community.
Participate in the junior youth empowerment program (Ruhi Institute)
Lead a children’s class
Attend or lead prayer gatherings or study circles
Visit community members at their homes
Organize events for Bahá’í and/or community youth
Plan or run holy day celebrations
Your community will encourage and support you if they know your skills and interests. Additionally, you could learn about one of your interests from a community member. Once you learn, you can teach others or use what you learned to help the community.

Bahá’u’lláh says “Nature is God’s Will…” and he always showed great respect and appreciation for nature. Outdoor activities increase your appreciation for the beauty of nature. You can:
Volunteer to maintain the grounds at your community’s Bahá’í Center
Organize outdoor activities such as sports, camping, or hiking
Help community members with landscaping at their homes

There are also opportunities for action with organizations, groups, and other religions that share values with the Bahá’í Faith. You will often find like-minded people in these organizations. Larger community groups often have more resources and activities. Bahá’ís can—and should—work with the broader community to bring about positive change.